
The school is opened to students of any citizenship. Applications are open from March 1st to June 30, 2023 and must be completed online (don't wait the final day!). No late registrations will be taken into account. A "Registration request" email is sent to the applicant after the online submission. Later, once the recommendation letter is received (see below), a "Registration confirmation" email is sent to confirm the pre-registration in the following days, meaning the registration is complete. Applicants will be informed of the final result of their application in the month of July 2023, whether they have been selected to participate to the school or not.

(1) Applicants should create an account or login under the "Login" tab on the top right side. A "Register" tab can then be found.

(2) Applicants should prepare a short academic CV and a paragraph explaining the reasons and motivations for which they apply. CV and motivation should be prepared in plain text and filled directly in the online registration form. A few grants covering the application fees (including lodging and all meals, but not including travel expenses) may be available. This is asked in the registration form as well. If the applicants ask for a grant, this should be also explained in the motivation text. We kindly ask applicants only in needs to those grants to apply. Applicants who have enough grants from their institution/group should not apply to the grants.

(3) To be valid, your application should be followed by a written recommendation from your PhD supervisor (once you know her/him) of from the person likely to be your supervisor (if you don't know her/him yet at the time of registration). This should be done in a pdf file with the name "LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_letter.pdf" (your lastname and firstname in capital letters). The recommendation pdf file should be sent by email to coldatoms2023[at] before June 30, 2023, with the email subject: Letter of Recommendation for LASTNAME FIRSTNAME.  Note that you should ask yourself for the recommendation email, your supervisor will not receive any direct request from us. Once the recommendation letter is received, a "Registration confirmation" email is sent in the following days (see above). If no letter is received, there will be no "Registration confirmation" email and the registration will not be complete, so please ask/send the letter as soon as possible.

(4) The application fees for the two weeks are 732 € TTC and are to be paid on arrival (credit card or cash). They are mandatory. Students are expected to stay in the school premises during the duration of the school. The fees cover the registration to the school, full-board accomodation, lodging in single rooms, and all meals at les Houches School of Physics, from (and including) the dinner of October 9 to (and including) the lunch of October 20. Please note that the application fees do not cover travel expenses.

(5) During the month of July 2023, we will let you know if your application has been accepted or declined to participate to the school.

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