General Informations

This school is mostly intended for PhD students in the early stage of their graduate career. For instance, this would correspond to first-year PhD students in October 2023 for countries where the License-Master-Doctorate scheme is used, or second year graduate students in the fall of 2023 in the US system. Depending on availability and/or relevance of the research field, applications from PhD students at a later stage in their graduate career are also accepted, as well as junior post-doctorant researchers. In this case we encourage the PhD or post-doctorant supervisor to make a special statement in her/his recommendation letter.

The school is opened to participants from all countries.

Participants are expected to present a poster explaining their research objectives or achievements. Two dedicated poster sessions are organized each week during the duration of the school. Posters will remain on display for one week, in order to encourage spontaneous discussions between participants. 

All the lectures will be given in English. The number of participants is limited to 60, to stimulate exchanges between students and lecturers.

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